Fresh word for today 6/26/2018
We are in a TIME of Isaiah 26:20,21...then after this, the obedient shall enter into more Quickening by the Life of
We are in a TIME of Isaiah 26:20,21...then after this, the obedient shall enter into more Quickening by the Life of
When people say and do good things, they ATTRACT God to them. But when they say and do bad things, they
Nehemiah 13:22 is a Truth for Now, this TIME.
It is not enough to (pray or decree) to get answers or help. You must teach people God's TRUTH and get
Now is the TIME and season to realize more and build our true IDENTITY in Jesus. Seek God to renew and
1 John 3:10 - The children OF God and the children of the devil are being made manifest by their deeds,
God is speaking a now from the Word in 1 Corinthians 15:22, and all of chapter 15. See Romans 5... Seek
Take heed, this is a season and time to get free from Simon the sorcerer, Acts 8. These type of people
Proverbs 16:7, 2 Chronicles 16:9, Proverbs 20:7, Ephesians chapters 4 & 5, 3 John 2
People must take heed to not be seduced to (connect) with Babylon through drugs, even doctor legal drugs, and by sex