Fresh word for today 3/28/2018
New Zealand is the S. hemisphere counterpart to NW coast America and Japan... The earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanoes that have set
New Zealand is the S. hemisphere counterpart to NW coast America and Japan... The earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanoes that have set
We honor governor Phil Bryant for passing law to stop abortion after 15 weeks. Let us all keep praying, decreeing the full
God's will is to not wait for a crisis to make you evaluate and change/improve, but to do that even in
This is a TIME for Galations 5:7 - You were running well, who hindered you from obeying the Truth? It says
A new, vital move that God wants is coming. It is this: the Pentecostal type Christians that believe and operate in
California must repent for worshipping Baal and Ashteroth, and for persecuting God's prophets. That is why we have drought, evil government leaders,
Violent and occult video games really ARE a main cause of school shootings today, don't believe the medias lies and denial...
Our reaction to things in life determine if we progress, stay put, or move backward. The choices to respond like God,
Guns do not kill people. Evil, demon possessed, irresponsible PEOPLE do! More people are killed by cars, but you don't hear
Guard your heart, guard the Agape love in your heart, guard your anointing. Do not lose the level of these, guard