Fresh word for today 10/8/2018
The NOW Word from God that we say or do will activate His Anointing, for it is in His timing.
The NOW Word from God that we say or do will activate His Anointing, for it is in His timing.
Because not enough people did Ecclesiastes 8:11... then that allowed 9/11.
God will judge and curse every witch and fool that wants abortion to continue in America. If they want death, let
1 Timothy 1:5 - The goal of this command is love, which comes from a pure heart, a good conscience, and
Ephesians 4:27 - Give no place to the devil - A common way people do give place is by allowing FEAR
On August 19, 2018, Fiji had a 8.2 earthquake, and it was deep 500+km. It is a ominous WARNING! for that
Tattoos and body piercing is demonic and always leads you into sexual sin, perversion, and deception. You cannot be a true
One of the main purposes of Revival or an encounter with God is to empower you and give you an advantage
Now in this SEASON, God is saying to focus on and learn truth in the area of Finances, get out of
Barak Obama works by the spirit of Absalom and Judas. He is an anti-Christ tool.