Fresh word for today 3/12/2018
Our reaction to things in life determine if we progress, stay put, or move backward. The choices to respond like God,
Our reaction to things in life determine if we progress, stay put, or move backward. The choices to respond like God,
Guns do not kill people. Evil, demon possessed, irresponsible PEOPLE do! More people are killed by cars, but you don't hear
Guard your heart, guard the Agape love in your heart, guard your anointing. Do not lose the level of these, guard
Train carrying members of Congress hits truck, 1 dead This is a prophetic SIGN that GOP is on a powerful momentum
As a sign that America has made a turn for better, both teams in Super Bowl are both symbols of USA,
Your own story is a great story, it is full of truths and revelations, it is a Spiritual story. Your story
Ecclesiastes 7:14 - Take enough time to CONSIDER, see better, become aware, and repent to come out of adversity and get
Take heed before going to Monterey, Carmel California area. There will be big earthquakes and TSUNAMIS from region fault lines or underwater
Recent high waves from storms, today's tsunami warning from Alaska, and earthquakes are all warnings to pacific NW to get prepared for
I HEAR a Word - It is now time to come out of Babylonian captivity (in mind, soul, and heart) and come