Fresh word for today 1/18/2018
1 Kings 18:30-35. If we rebuild the Alter of God (in people's heart and soul) then God will come in power
1 Kings 18:30-35. If we rebuild the Alter of God (in people's heart and soul) then God will come in power
The devil can (speak the Word), Matthew 4, but he cannot speak the Anointed Word because God will not work WITH
Be prepared, big earthquakes again in California and Pacific North-West (Matt 24, Luke 21).
Always remember the children's story, "The emperor's new clothes". It is important to be the honest child who told pure truth
A WORD I hear - 2018 will be a year to recover losses if you are diligent to seek, hear, and
Hosea 10:12 - Now is the TIME for this, to get out of the judgments and destruction the entire book of
A WORD I get: the need to be the lamb AND the Lion, when needed, not one or other, but be
Now is a TIME to learn important things from Nehemiah (for healing, restoring peoples souls and our nation).
A WORD I hear from God... One of the main, vital battles now is against the prince of Greece, Daniel 10:20.
A WORD I hear... All people are seeking to know (who they are and how they can receive Life). Having that