Fresh word for today 7/29/2017
There will continue to be earthquakes, [severe] earth quakes, and GREAT earthquakes.. as the Word says and as we have seen
There will continue to be earthquakes, [severe] earth quakes, and GREAT earthquakes.. as the Word says and as we have seen
Now in this TIME, we are seeing a battle against LAWLESSNESS (Matt 24:12) because of (iniquity or lawlessness) we are truly
The nation is worried, confused on what to do about a government healthcare plan... but the Christian church is silent and
This is a time to confess and repent of sin, iniquity, and transgressions. This is a time to break agreements with
Most of the Christian church needs to learn from Israel... to wake up, be sober, vigilant, to live a war-alert lifestyle,
It is TIME now more than ever to COME OUT OF Babylon, for the time of severe judgments on it are
Brother Brad studied TL and Daisy Osborns books, tapes, cds, dvds for years, and was taught by TL Osborn personally in
2017, it is now Romans Ch. 13 TIME more than ever. It is a Time that God is judging lawlessness, rebellion,