Fresh word for today 7/12/2019
The same demon spirit behind slavery is behind abortion. One person “thinks” they have a “right” to own or kill another human being. It is demonic.
Fresh word for today 7/10/2019
There must come a overhaul/reformation of Most of Christian doctrine in the 1st world nations. So far, it is off target and lacking, and that is why it does not produce the True Fruit of Jesus’ Anointing.
Fresh word for today 7/9/2019
I HEAR the Word of the Lord for This TIME we are in Now. Read 2 Kings 9 – It is full of instruction for us now, God is doing this Now.
Fresh word for today 7/8/2019
Lee Vining/ Long valley California get ready fora an earthquake.
Fresh word for today 7/5/2019
2 Peter 3:11 – Since all these things are to be destroyed in this way, what sort of people ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness,
Fresh word for today 7/3/2019
The coasts of the Persian Gulf will be hit with deadly tsunamis from earthquakes from the mega thrust faults there.