Fresh Words and Wisdom2023-08-19T10:24:48-07:00

Fresh word for today 4/9/2019

Look at the condition of modern Greece & its history, and look at Israel, its history and condition today. Greece – pagan history and poverty today; but Israel: history- God, bible, greatness and rich, powerful today. That shows what theology is right or wrong, so read a Hebrew translation of Bible, not Greek.

April 9th, 2019|Categories: Words and Wisdom|0 Comments

Fresh word for today 4/8/2019

It’s important to examine ourselves and to change as truly needed, but it is also important to differentiate from the subtle voice of the accuser, for it will make you doubt and sabotage faith & progress. Faith & true Life in Christ requires Risk, and we learn by experience.

2 Corinthians 13:5, Romans 8, Hebrews 11, Revelations 12

April 8th, 2019|Categories: Words and Wisdom|0 Comments

Fresh word for today 4/6/2019

God’s goal is not worship but making us into vessels filled with fullness of God, just like Jesus. The man in Gadarenes came to Jesus, worshipped Him, but was still demon possessed, so God wants us cleansed and become AS Jesus is.

April 6th, 2019|Categories: Words and Wisdom|0 Comments

Fresh word for today 4/4/2019

Jeremiah 12:5 – Most Christians are not prepared for what is happening now in America because most pastors have not equipped them to SEE and KNOW accurately. So many are confused and deceived, and they don’t know that God is working through President Trump to heal and save America, so some are resisting the help.

April 4th, 2019|Categories: Words and Wisdom|0 Comments

Fresh word for today 4/4/2018

It is deception to fear the Truth or to be ashamed of the Truth. Truth is of God and sets Free, but lies are from hell to hold you, bound by the fear to come over into Truth. This is the root of nearly all problems, so believe and Live the Truth and come out of all lies and fear.

April 4th, 2019|Categories: Words and Wisdom|0 Comments
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