Fresh word for today 9/18/2018
Ephesians 4:27 – Give no place to the devil – A common way people do give place is by allowing FEAR of talking about or teaching Truth, especially on topics like money, healing, government, power of God. What you fear to talk about and develop in, you will be defeated in that area and in doing so give place to enemy, so do not fear.
Fresh word for today 9/17/2018
On August 19, 2018, Fiji had a 8.2 earthquake, and it was deep 500+km. It is a ominous WARNING! for that region because the 2017 Chiapas Mexico earthquake was 8.2 and killed hundreds of people, sending a Tsunami that was catastrophic. It was 50km depth, so Fiji must be alert to the multitude of recent earthquakes because a big one may be coming.
Fresh word for today 9/15/2018
Tattoos and body piercing is demonic and always leads you into sexual sin, perversion, and deception. You cannot be a true Christian and have those, unless you remove piercings, cast demons out of that place and out of tattoos, then purpose to live right. See Numbers 25:1 in concordance Heb, 2490 – chalal – pierce – leading to sexual sin and destruction.
Fresh word for today 9/15/2018
One of the main purposes of Revival or an encounter with God is to empower you and give you an advantage to get fully delivered and healed in your heart. You need God’s strength, Anointing, and discernment to fully win the battle, to get healed and delivered, or you may faint in the process.
Fresh word for today 9/12/2018
Fresh word for today 9/10/2018
Barak Obama works by the spirit of Absalom and Judas. He is an anti-Christ tool.