Brother Brad studied TL and Daisy Osborns books, tapes, cds, dvds for years, and was taught by TL Osborn personally in 2003,  in asia, on some of the last overseas gospel crusades TL did. He spent 2 weeks with Brother Osborn in asia learning about preaching the Gospel, soul winning, miracle healing, signs, wonders, deliverance, church planting and also SAW it all happen in real life at the open air Gospel crusades TL did.
Also, TL laid hands on Brother Brad and released Impartation of the gifts of God and Anointings that were on his life to Brother Brad to also carry that type of True Gospel ministry with the Power of God confirming you… as Jesus commands it to be done in the Bible (Mk 16:15-20, Acts 1:8, Rom 15:18,19, 1 Cor 2:4,5).