3 John 2
You will have prosperity and health according to the amount that your soul is full of God’s Word and
trained, renewed by His ways and cleansed of ungodliness…  The opposite is also true and all this is a Law
set in stone.
Prov 23:7,
As he thinketh in his heart, so is he…  People will recreate their life around themelves and attract people to
themselves and create their life exactly LIKE what is in their Heart or Soul, as 3 John 2  says.
These are God’s Laws, spiritual laws, that cannot be stopped. We can renew our soul and heart to become
like God and be in agreement with God and His Ways. Then our heart will be full of Good Treasures and
we will bring that forth, creating a good, safe, blessed Godly world and life. That is God’s will,
and that is working with the system in a good way. That is God’s purpose.