We all need to  seek God to WAKE US UP MORE and more.
The more we seek God and repent and obey Him and live by His ways,
the more He wakes us up to His life and light and His kingdom.
He QUICKENS  us, especially in our mind, soul, and understanding,
We WAKE UP  progressively, incrementally to the degree we seek and have
real encounters with Him. We must all be awakened from the dulling, intoxicating effect
of Babylon’s imbibing, from sin, from the world and from witchcrafts, from the effect of demons
trying to lull us to sleep like Samson and the disciples in the garden. The hour and power of
darkness is now at work and so we must pray ENOUGH, so that we do not enter into devils
temptations to fall ASLEEP spiritually, mentally, and in the way we order our life actions.
We must be like Jesus and show and live His example. As we seek God , spend time WITH
Him, we soak in His presence and life, and that quickens us. We need that daily
or else  people will drift into the sleep, dullness, and deadness from the world and the devil’s influence.
you CAN draw near to God so He CAN come near to you. THAT CLOSENESS to and with
and OF God, CONNECTED to Him, is what KEEPS you awake and alive!!! That is what we need
and so we must aim at THAT. That is the correct target to get awake and stay awake, and to be protected,
healed, sharp, discerning, understanding and knowing what to do. By the Truth and the Anointing
leading to His LIFE more and more as you see the day approaching. Amen.
     By the way, the {sign} of JONAH Jesus talked about as a sign of the last days is
 [partly] about taking heed to not be asleep!! Jonah 1:6