 In the last 8 months, but even more in recent weeks, I hear a Word from God. It is to
{get out of Babylon} from Revelation 17 and 18.
The main things to know of what Babylon is and what to GET OUT OF are:
Sexual sins and the deceptions of drugs.
1. Sexual sins – get out of all contact with defiling things of sexual sin, for THAT connects you to the
demons of Babylon. You will need deliverance from any exposure so far, and then stay free and clean of it.
2. Drugs – this is not only street-illegal drugs, all know that is bad, but mainly legal prescription drugs that
are used [in place of faith in Jesus and His supernatural healing Power]. There are also the unecessary drugs that
are advertised on tv, just to make money off of you. They do harm to people and kill people. They are not needed, and they also
connect you to Babylon demons.
All of this, God warns, does deceive us and brings people under the bondage of the devil and on the way to hell.
Either that, or it causes people to lose God’s Blessings, or to be in poor health, or waste money on doctors and drugs, or die before their time.
So take heed. Fight for and live in God’s TRUTH AND WAYS.