There will continue to be earthquakes, [severe] earth quakes, and GREAT earthquakes.. as the Word
says and as we have seen an increase in since 2000.
Tsunamis will hit California several times and places; Santa Cruz will be one and Eureka is another of many.
Also in California, the MANY volcanos have been and are still {waking up}. This should be alarming, but most
people are dumbed down by TV, media, selfishness, flesh, materialism and they don’t know what is happening
or they are in denial. VOLCANOS will cause widespread destruction in California from north to south.
The many earthquake FAULT LINES will finally rupture [ AGAIN ] as they have many times, but they are long over due NOW. The gross, evil, rampant sin and iniquity of the people in California is also giving LEGAL
right for the volcanos and earthquakes to go off [in judgements] just like how it happened in [aceh indonesia] and all
areas hit by dec 27– 2004 mega TSUNAMI in Asia… then in New Zealand 2- 2011, and then in Japan 3-2011.
Also for California.. one day the central valley will be under sea water! You say it could not happen? But
it HAS happened before, and there are many fossils found in the {hills and mountains} around the central valley, fossils
of FISH, shark teeth, many marine life fossil remains. So it HAS been before and Eccles 1:9 says that it WILL
happen again. All things are in place and SET to go off in California, so it better repent, seek and obey Jesus, starting with the foolish, dull, backslidden church that is in bed with the world and devil. I mean MOST of the church is a disgrace in California [not all, but most]. There is a Remnant, but most are evil and stupid LIKE LOTT in the Bible… so WAKE UP.. preach The Gospel with Fire, signs, wonders, and miracles with boldness…. be radical and stronger
than ever!!! THAT is the only hope for California and America. We must have ANOTHER GREAT SPIRITUAL AWAKENING!!! So go for THAT, get awake yourself, get Full of God, His Holy Spirit, and Fire and GO out everywhere and be a True Witness of JESUS CHRIST. Get the lost people born again, made New by you
telling and demonstrating the Gospel WITH THE POWER OF GOD, with Healings, casting out demons, and compelling
people to connect with Jesus and believe ONLY in Him as God and Savior. ONLY THAT IF DONE “ENOUGH”
AND SOON ENOUGH WILL SAVE AMERICA. So get after it NOW and hurry up. Amen.