Now it is TIME to watch and learn from Israel more than ever. They are showing God’s will, truth, and solutions to life’s problems and questions, more and more.  [That is one reason why the evil media accuses them and lies about them to make them ” seem” bad or wrong so that many people will not
listen to or learn from them!]  But THEY ARE GOD’S CHOSEN PEOPLE OF HIS COVENANT!!! So do not ever mess with them, and do not despise them. For the TIME is closer than ever when God will “switch them on” with His grace and they will realize that Jesus – Yashua is Who He says He is – and they will
believe in Him and THEY will take over the lead as THE main Witnesses of Jesus Christ and His Power. They will be the greatest Evangelists the world has seen, and we need it now. But even NOW we must LEARN FROM  Israel. How they operate security and border control for their Nation, how they do not let
evil, dangerous people in! They PROTECT  their people. Also, they know it is vital and realistic to be militant
and vigilant, to be tough and play NO games with evil people. They also do not rely on the anti-christ system of UN
or other stupid nations that are humanist, atheist or pagan. They know that you must do the right thing no
matter what others think! For they KNOW from many years of experience that evil people will kill them IF THEY ALLOW IT.
They do not allow that any more since 1948. They say NEVER AGAIN! – Amen to that! We must love,
honor, and support Israel (see Romans ch. 9 and 11, Psalms 122, and Genesis 12)
Jesus said watch the Fig Tree! Know that God will bless those who bless Israel, and know that God will curse those who curse Israel. If you believe
the doctrine of devils, of [replacement theology]  you are cursed. See the lack in your life! Repent and agree with God’s Word (Rom 11:17-21), study carefully Romans ch 11 ALL! Take heed to bless and love Israel. We must be WITH and be on the side of Israel. Also, learn from them NOW and how they deal with things. They are real, they are not fools or politically correct idiots. They deal with evil and keep it out. They PREPARE FOR WAR, and they will kick the hell out
of their enemies. They ARE the toughest, best military on earth. Remember, God is a God of war and the Lord
of ARMIES, the Lord of Hosts, and war is always and the weapons of our WAR. We are at war until we get to heaven, so
wake up and get to it or get defeated. Now is the TIME  to fight evil and destroy it. If you are not sure what to do
or how to do it, just learn from Israel.