2017, it is now Romans Ch. 13 TIME more than ever. It is a Time that God is judging lawlessness, rebellion, and chaos more than ever.
God is and will continue to expose evil and evil-doers, so wake up, repent, and get your life right, or you will not do well.
Pray for America. If you live here, then be a true American. Be a Patriot. Be thankful for this blessed, great nation. Do not be deceived by the media, news, and movies that often put down the USA or make it seem bad. If you have ever traveled in the world, you would know that America is the best nation on earth, so
love, honor, and fight for it. Pray that it be restored to the founding principles and the prayers of the founding fathers, that America return fully to God.
A good MOVIE for this present time to see is “Patriot” with Mel Gibson. Realize that America is a vital force for good.
America has been the main nation to send and support world missions to save the lost. Realize that if America keeps going down the road to [globalism] and the corrupt influence of the EU, communists, and socialists, then it will deteriorate into the mess like Europe has fallen to; Europe is an anti-christ, reprobate bastion, like babylon in Rev 18. Also, Europe is NOW being judged for its turning away from Jesus and [forgetting and rejecting] Him, so that they have deteriorated and now are given over to reprobate minds and leaders.
We do not want America to become like that. It has tried to happen at times, including the time of the last president, who was anti-christ, very communist, pro EU, and pro UN. The UN is an evil, anti-christ, perverted, corrupt organization that God is ALSO judging and will fully judge for its wickedness.
But now America has a good president that IS FROM GOD AND IS GOD’S WILL FOR THIS TIME. Know this: do not be deceived by the media.
President Trump is a good man and is God’s choice to TURN America back to God and make America REPENT (2 Chron. 7:14, Romans 13, Malachi 4).
We now have a government that will do the right thing and not sell our nation out to [globalism], communists, muslim lobbyists, or agendas. All these evil people and groups want to destroy or contaminate America SO THAT it stops being a sending, funding SOURCE for world missions to spread
the Gospel of Jesus Christ, which is the ONLY salvation and solution for people. If that stops, then hell and the devil’s plan will grow even more. For now,
we and a FEW nations are trying to stop it.
Also, PRAY FOR THE PEACE, SAFETY, and BLESSING FOR ISRAEL (Psalm 122: 6-9). We must ALWAYS be FOR Israel, God’s special people (Gen 12, Romans Ch. 9 and 11). You MUST UNDERSTAND THIS CLEARLY AND ACCURATELY!!! Many deceived, foolish people are NOT [pro Israel] because they believe the lies of the media, that is [anti-christ/anti-Israel]. Also, they are deceived by the doctrine of devils of [replacement theology] (see this online to know what it is). Know this: we must always love, pray for, and bless Israel, for THE DAY IS ” SOON TO COME” WHEN GOD WILL SWITCH THEM ON, and they will
become His main vessels to preach the Gospel and evangelize the world, for God will OPEN THEIR UNDERSTANDING ABOUT JESUS – YESHUA, and they
will REALIZE that they were wrong when they rejected HIM for all these years. THEY WILL SOON BECOME HIS MAIN PEOPLE AGAIN. Since this is true, the gentiles better wake up and do our job as He commands in the Word. If people continue to live rebellious and evil then God will PRUNE US
OUT and then GRAFT ISRAEL BACK IN… for it is theirs anyway… (see Rom 11 and Matt 25). We are now more than ever SEEING the SEPARATING of [sheep and goats] in relationships, from nation to nation this is happening more than ever! Take heed to not be a goat (see Matthew 25). This also is how you treat Israel. So be wise. Wake up.
God is also judging and cleansing HIS CHRISTIAN CHURCH, more than ever to get it READY to work WITH Him and also to be able to MEET HIM AND
BE CLEAN ENOUGH TO GO TO HEAVEN. [I am not talking about catholics here… they are not Christian, the are not saved] They are deceived idolaters.
It is too bad because there are many good people caught in that evil system, which is a religious lie. Witness to catholics to get them out, and pray that God shake
that evil false system so that it either repents or be removed.
Also you, if you are a true Christian, pray and seek God. Ask Him to keep cleansing your HEART and life, and seek Him to keep FILLING YOU WITH HIS
HOLY SPIRIT AND FIRE (Acts 1:8). You NEED it now more than ever. Seek God for His WISDOM and UNDERSTANDING. Also keep OBEYING GOD
in ALL things, in ALL areas, or you will not make it in these evil last days (Matt 24, Luke 21). WE ARE IN THIS NOW! BE SURE.